関西大学図書館 KOALA
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電子ジャーナルパッケージ「ICE Specialist」の購読中止について

| by 図書館管理者

この度、電子ジャーナルパッケージ「ICE Specialist Engineering Journals」(下記全19誌)の購読が、中止になりました。

1 Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers.Bridge engineering
2  Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers.Civil engineering (includes 2 special issues)
3  Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers.Construction materials
4  Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers.Energy
5  Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers.Engineering and computational mechanics
6  Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers.Engineering history and heritage
7  Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers.Engineering sustainability
8  Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers.Forensic engineering
9  Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers.Geotechnical engineering
10 Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers.Ground improvement
11 Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers.Management, procurement and law
12 Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers.Maritime engineering
13 Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers.Municipal engineer
14 Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers.Smart infrastructure and construction
15 Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers.Structures and buildings
16 Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers.Transport
17 Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers.Urban design and planning
18 Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers.Waste and resource management
19 Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers.Water management

